Curly Rubber Seals

Curly Rubber Seals

Rubber seals – elastic bands of curly, round, rectangular and other sections made of rubber. They serve to seal the working seams in various designs. For example, in concrete structures, permanently or temporarily under the influence of surface groundwater and sewage (tanks, water towers, dams, spills, canals, swimming pools, treatment facilities). Also used for waterproofing […]

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Rubber seals – elastic bands of curly, round, rectangular and other sections made of rubber. They serve to seal the working seams in various designs. For example, in concrete structures, permanently or temporarily under the influence of surface groundwater and sewage (tanks, water towers, dams, spills, canals, swimming pools, treatment facilities). Also used for waterproofing foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels, etc.

We also manufacture rubber seals for hydraulic structures (HYDROCHEMES) of the following types:



Single cam

P-shaped of various dimensions